Friday, January 7, 2011

My IMVU Avatar

I chose to make an avatar on the IMVU website because of all the sites, their avatars looked the most "human like" to me. It was actually fun making one. I almost felt like I was a little girl again playing dress up with my barbie dolls. :) The IMVU site had so many options you could choose from to create your avatar like body type, skin color, eye color, hair, etc.. I tried to make my avatar look as much like me as any cartoon figure can and I think I did a pretty good job. My favorite part was picking out the outfit. You can choose from different styles of clothes or you can look through them all individually and they even have them categorized into tops, bottoms, accessories, shoes, etc. so its easy to find what you want. I will admit I did have a hard time copying my avatar onto this blog since I was looking for an export button and to my surprise there was nothing of the sort; the simple function of copying and pasting the picture of the avatar was all it took. I really over thought that one! But overall it was pretty fun making a "mini me". And here she is!

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