Sunday, March 6, 2011

Bella Casa Designs-Presentation Project

This project was a hair puller but I have to say that when It was all done and over with and I had the chance to sit back and watch my presentation, I was proud of all my hard work. I learned how to use a whole new program, KeyNote, for the MAC and wrote a hypothetical business plan for an interior design company I hope to build some day. I enjoyed the whole process of creating a story line and filling in the gaps with pictures and little details about my make believe company.  I will definitely use the tools I learned through out this process in the future for work related projects. I hope you guys enjoy watching my presentation!

Here is a direct link to my presentation
Bella Casa Designs presentation

Is there a logical flow and sequence of content? 
I would say that my presentation has a logical flow and makes sense while watching it. 

Does the presenter anticipate questions and answer them in the right place?
I think i did a good job of answering any question a viewer may have when watching my presentation. I explained how our company started, who the employees were, where we are located, what we offer, etc. 

Did the presenter grab your attention in the first 30-60 seconds?
I hope that my presentation will grab the audiences attention within the first 60 seconds; I used alot of visuals to stimulate the viewers attention.

Did the presenter set the context with a concise explanation? 
I made it clear what my presentation was about and explained each slide carefully. 

Did the presenter avoid inconsistencies and errors, typos and unbelievable claims?
I made no spelling errors in my presentation and to my best ability spoke with correct grammar and fluidity. 

How well did the presenter avoid clutter?
Some of my slide may have had alot going on but I dont think the amount of items I had on the slide took away from the readers attention. Everything I said corresponded with the pictures on the slides.

What did the presenter do to ensure readability?
I made sure that the text was big enough to read and was visually pleasing on the slide.

Did the presenter say it, and then show it or did he/she read the slides?
I did read directly off of some slides but most of them had a corresponding explanation to go along with it. 

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